GET into sport at Mount Sheridan Plaza Sign-On and get your club sponsored.

GET into sport at Mount Sheridan Plaza Sign-On and get your club sponsored.

Each year in February Mount Sheridan Plaza invite a large range of sporting and leisure groups across the Cairns region to participate in the Sports Sign On. Spanning over two weekends, February 5th,6th,12th and 13th 2022. Over 30 sporting groups have registered to be a part of the Sports Sign On from AFL Cairns to Cairns Hockey.

Cairns residents are invited to sample the huge selection of sports on offer in the air conditioned comfort of the mall. The free community event, being held for the ninth year, providing a one-stop shop for children and adults to sign up and try different sports, register to volunteer or simply find out what events are coming up.

Kicking off the Sports Sign On Saturday 5th February is Southside Comets, AFL Cairns, Cairns Hockey, Edmonton Tennis, Leichardt Soccer Club.

Kay Judd Marketing and Customer Experience Manager said “An early connection to sport can also encourage a lifelong love of sport and physical activity.”

“It’s so great to see returning clubs each year. The interactive displays offer a great opportunity to test your skills and try new things. Now more than ever people are feeling isolating and it’s important to stay active for their physical and mental health.” Says Tanya Curtis our Sports Sign Coordinator.

“It is an excellent opportunity to promote your sport to a wider audience and get more people involved,” Angela Liversage Centre Manager said.

Encouraging people to attend Sports Sign On and get behind local sport, Kay Judd said playing a sport or volunteering is a great keep fit and healthy, meet new people and be an active member of the community.

Sporting groups can still register to host a stall to promote their sport to potential participants. Each sporting club who participates will go in the draw to win a thousand dollar sponsorship for their club, there are three on offer.

For more information, contact Kay Judd on 4036 3150

Media Contact:

Kay Judd

Marketing and Customer Experience Manager