7 events found.
Week of Events
Chatty Cafe
Chatty Cafe
Would you like to meet others for a friendly chat over a cuppa? Come to Chatty Cafe! This weekly meet-up is all about providing an opportunity for people to connect with others, meet new people, and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Come along on Tuesdays 10.30m-12noon, just look for the yellow table in the...
Meet Division 3 Councillor, Cathy Zeiger
Meet Division 3 Councillor, Cathy Zeiger
Do you live in Division 3 (Bayview Heights, Mount Sheridan (Forest Gardens), White Rock and Woree) and want to see change in your community? Do you have concerns or ideas to share? Come and meet your local council division representative right here at Mt Sheridan Plaza! Cathy Zeiger - Div. 3 Councillor, is here on...